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Personal Match UK Review (Testimonials)<\/h1>\n

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WHAT OUR<\/h4>\n

CLIENTS SAY\u00a0<\/strong><\/h1>\n

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Azma, London<\/h3>

\u201cI joined PMUK after seeing Baji on Islam Channel. What I liked about PMUK is the initial screening process to assess the personality and compatibility by an experienced matchmaker. On my first meet up I was impressed by the support provided on the day and post meet up. Knowing you can talk to an experienced and neutral person about marriage is great.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Male, 32<\/h3>

\u201cI would just like to say thank you for all the hard work you put into arranging these meets. Its a very different way of doing things and I think is works well. I know there\u2019s a lot of effort that goes into it..so thanks again.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Male, 28<\/h3>

\u201cI pray you and your team reach safely back and inshallah be rewarded immensely for all the troubles gone through and all the efforts you put through dedicated in helping people like me who are trying to complete half their deen. You\u2019re an awsome sister and Jzk for everything.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Male, 34<\/h3>

\u201cThe experience on the meet day was a lot more pleasant than I thought, area was busy was nice to have little privacy when communicating, Thank You for your efforts Bajee.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Adeel London, 28<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience with PMUK and in particular with Baji Naseem has been brilliant. I was very much hesitant in the beginning not knowing how much match makers operated but\u00a0after speaking with Baji Naseem, I became more comfortable. PMUK\u2019s whole process has been very professional from start to finish with finding good matches that compliment your personality and character. I have been lucky enough to find my match and so should you!!<\/em>\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female, 23<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience of the meet day was I felt comfortable arriving and when leaving.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Female<\/h3>

\u201cThank You, the location was lovely and chilled.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female<\/h3>

\u201cI love the communication that Naseem has with me! she\u2019s always keeping me updated & making sure everything is running on time & smoothly. I feel as though I can be very open & clear with my needs & opinions and she takes this on board. I would definitely recommend this service.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Male Client, 27<\/h3>

\u201cVery Interesting, eye opening, removed some of my initial fears. Met 3 very different, equally nice girls. Enjoyed the experience.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Male Client, 37<\/h3>

\u201cGood first day and first impressions. Met suitable people in terms\u00a0of background.\u00a0Carefully chosen, well organised and good feedback.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Client Nasir<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience with Personal Match, Baji Naseem has made it an easy process, I was nervous and I had doubts at first. I found the process to me well refined, I was introduced to matches in an acceptable, comfortable environment. The staff were very helpful and would recommend it as they match you with your requirements. I felt I was well coached and was given the\u00a0relevant help and info required. I\u00a0would recommend this service. I was doubtful due to stories about other services but I would recommend Personal Match to anyone serious about marriage.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cThe masterclass helped me identify what the important \u201cdeal breakers\u201d are for me. The advice given gave me the confidence to ask what was important to and how to ask these questions in the meet. when I got to the meet itself, it meant that I was much more relaxed and confident \u2013 something I have never felt in that type of situation. Jkh Suraya \u2013 Masterclass testimonial\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Zara, Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience from the meet: I was very nervous before coming in. As it was the first time and I did not know what to expect. However, when I got in and spoke with Aunty Naseem I felt more relaxed, also seeing all of the other people there as well was reassuring. I felt comfortable know that Aunty Naseem was there and I was able to go and speak to her if I needed to. from my first meet I think I would know what to expect the next time round.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cI\u00a0have been extremely happy and satisfied with the service Naseem has provided for me. Her approach to matchmaking has been refreshingly different. I came away feeling very positive and with the feeling that I could trust her to help me meet someone suitable.<\/em><\/p>

I would highly recommend Personal Match, as Naseem \u00a0provides a very professional approach to the service and takes the time to search for someone that fit\u2019s your own personal requirement\u2019s as close as possible, the rest is all in Allah\u2019s hands.\u201d<\/em><\/div><\/div>

Client, Edinburgh<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience with personal match has been a journey\u2026. When I joined I did not know what to expect. After a while I found my perfect match\u2026 Naseem\u2019s guidance and advice assisted me on my journey. The patience and perseverance paid off and I am now happily married to someone lovely and perfect for me. I would recommend trying personal match as there is someone for everybody. What I liked about personal match is the people are looking to get married and there is no time wasters compared to other services.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female<\/h3>

\u201cLondon is better for me, the guys are so open minded and diverse. The guys hold a conversation without being judgemental.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Male<\/h3>

\u201cGood service and format arranging through meetings.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Male<\/h3>

\u201cFirst time I have attended and been impressed with the quality of potential partners, I feel things may happen.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Female<\/h3>

\u201cGreat experience, fun and great ability to match based on criteria.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female<\/h3>

\u201cFriendly, felt very protected and safe with my information. Venue open environment and not so daunting as I thought it would be.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


London Female<\/h3>

\u201cI was impressed with the service and I was very relaxed. I found the experience enjoyable.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female<\/h3>

\u201cAlhumdulillah My experience with Personal Match UK has been extremely positive. Baji Naseem is a professional who takes her work seriously and also takes the time to know you personally, allowing her to arrange potential matches who she believes will be well suited to your personal criteria. After hearing other people\u2019s experiences, my biggest concern was trying to find someone who provides a genuine and honest service. Alhumdulillah, I found that with Baji Naseem.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cFrom the moment I joined I have been happy with the service so far. This is due to a few reasons.\u00a0Auntie Naseem communicates very well and is professional about her business.\u00a0There is a formal process involved so that you know her business is treated professionally and not as a side job.\u00a0Auntie Naseem keeps records of meetings and feedback so all points are noted for future purposes.\u00a0She is in no way pushy about price or joining. Yes means yes and no means no, no grey areas at all.<\/em><\/p>

Auntie communicates with all clients personally before taking them on, they need to pass the compatibility assessment. That\u2019s so you know that who you are meeting there is no hidden agenda.\u00a0All members of staff are friendly, bubbly and approachable, so you feel comfortable discussing and bringing up topics\/points.\u00a0There is no stress or headache because personal match take that in themselves, the only decision you have to make is whether you are interested in a meeting ( potential partner ) or not.<\/em><\/p>

All meets are planned in a reasonable time scale and you are informed in good time.\u00a0The choice for meeting location has been very well decided, it\u2019d private and somewhat secluded so you can be relaxed in a comfortable environment.\u00a0As soon as you sign up your meetings process starts swiftly so you know you haven\u2019t been forgotten about, you are in the system and they are helping you.<\/em><\/p>

Even though personal match pick who you meet you never feel like you don\u2019t have control. As long as you keep letting the team know how you feel and why something works or does not work. They can continue with setting up meetings with people that are best suited for you.\u00a0Communication is key for this service to work because without if the service for you won\u2019t be as effective.\u00a0Although meetings are only a few days out of the month, there is flexibility as to which date you can attend. You are given a choice out of 2 or 3 days.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cThe pre marital masterclass was a wonderful experience. The delivery of the day was excellent. Naseem worked so well together to deliver it. Straight away i knew they had our best interests at heart and they cared about each and every one of us there. I learnt so much about myself and my character. This awareness of me and my needs has made me feel so much more well equipped in selecting the important qualities in my future partner. The day was loads of fun and was so interactive! We were up on our feet and speaking to lots of different people and sharing our experiences with each other in a safe environment. I feel more confident approaching future 1 to 1 meetings now and how to get the most out of them. I recommend the masterclass to everyone! Even parents!\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Suraya, Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cThe masterclass helped me to identify what the important \u201cdeal breakers\u201d are for me. The advice given gave me the confidence to ask what was important to me and how to ask these questions in the meet. When I got to the meet itself, it meant that I was much more relaxed and confident \u2013 something I have never felt in that type of situation\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, Edinburgh<\/h3>

\u201cI attended the masterclass in December 2015 and wasn\u2019t sure I would get anything from attending as I am a deep thinker and self reflect often so know myself well and know what I want Is import to me in a personal match. I was however very surprised on the day. It was fun and relaxed and I learnt additional things such as phrasing some important questions and also acknowledging things that were more important for me than I perhaps realised.<\/em><\/p>

Thank you for the day and i can certainly recommend attending because you learn more about yourself when u thought there was nothing else left to learn\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, Stirlingshire<\/h3>

\u201cMasterclass: a great experience, definitely recommend to anyone that\u2019s not been you dont know what you\u2019re missing!\ud83d\ude01although I only managed to attend afternoon session ii learnt an awful lot, which in turn helped me with my meets, masterclass gave me the tuition to look at things from a different prospective.. The way the class is run by both baji Naseem is brilliant.. You learn interacting with different people both male\/females of all age groups but everyone\u2019s end goal is to find their lifetime partner and get married InshaAllah! Tasks are done individually, in small groups of 3-4 people, and also in pairs. Its a genuinely must attend experience you feel welcomed by everyone taking part, friendly and easy going atmosphere.. ii really enjoyed masterclass felt ii contributed well and was happy to share my experiences as well as listening to others which gave me a way of looking at things from other peoples prospectives. Cant wait for the next masterclass will try to attend the whole event next time InshaAllah!\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cAttending the masterclass gave me an insight of the key qualities in a person and what negative qualities to look out for. This helped me as I have experienced different qualities and characteristics of a person, the character of a person is who they are and become through life experiences which is the most important key quality. Physical attraction and looks also play a part but aren\u2019t as important as beauty fades but character remains. The group sessions were interesting as we got a chance to hear other people\u2019s opinions and backed it up on why they choose that particular answer, to give a little more understanding and confidence.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cI think the masterclass was very beneficial for me, it helped me get a better idea of what kind of questions to ask during meetings to make the most of the time we have. The class gave me a better understanding of how to present myself to put a positive image across. It helped me understand what is important and what is not important to look for in a potential spouse.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, Dundee<\/h3>

\u201cFirst time attending and I thought it was a great way of finding out more about yourself, and the things that\u2019s really matter. If I had not attended the master class I would not have known what to say at my meets. It teaches you different ways of talking to People and ways of presenting your personality to others. I highly recommend that everyone attends the master class.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, Aberdeen<\/h3>

\u201cI was nervous at first about coming to the meets as I didn\u2019t know what to say or ask. But having attended the Master class I felt a lot more confident and relaxed about the meets. I was able to use the advice and tips given in the Master class during my meets.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Sophie, Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cmy personal Match experience has allowed me to meet different people and give me an understanding of different people. it has allowed me to realise what I am looking for in a person. the experience in general is very comfortable and the atmosphere is relaxing. baji naseem has been very helpful and takes into consideration my thoughts and opinions.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client, London<\/h3>

\u201cI think the service is a great way to get Muslim girls and boys married.\u00a0 My experience so far has been really interesting I\u2019ve met a few different personalities which has made me think about what I\u2019m really looking for in my life partner.\u00a0 I like the fact we are coming away from culture slowly yet still following Islamic ways. Naseem and her team are doing a great job to match people that are compatible.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cI thought the masterclass was really good, it opened my eyes to a lot of different things that I didn\u2019t really think about.\u00a0 I met some lovely people and had a great time.\u00a0 I would recommend anyone looking to get married should definitely attend.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cMaster class is the most amazing experience you can get. Bhaji Naseem deals with all the issues which you would be concerned with in finding a partner. Bhaji\u2019s assistant Tahira\u00a0 is second to none, a great individual who keeps the topics immensely exciting.\u00a0The course entails several crucial topics which helps with oneself in finding their perfect match. I can not recommend this course enough for all individuals joining Personal Match UK\u00a0Before any person goes to their first meet, they need to discover the master classes criteria and God willing you will find your perfect partner.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cI attended the relationship masterclass. It was enjoyable and a great experience because of the interactive setting. Everyone was able to discuss different topics openly and share thoughts and ideas. The venue was very nice and comfortable. I learned many tips for my meets and had fun doing it.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cThe masterclass helped me to find out what\u00a0 the different views were based on a certain question. The advice given gave me the confidence into what questions to ask and how they should be asked in a meet. Also the group task questions were good to tackle to get an insight of why everyone had their own vews when I got to the meet itself. I feel that I am more confident in asking the questions in a meet and the techniques that should be used.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cWell managed, everyone made to feel comfortable. A great learning experience; with a bundle of notes to take home and refer to..not only in pursuit of marriage but life in general.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cI attended the masterclass, it benefited me in many ways. I have learnt how important behaviour and attitude is for a meet. It well explained why you need correct attitude necessary for a successful relationships is the partners\u2019 ability to stand together in the face of difficulties. A true test of a relationship is whether two people have each others\u2019 back when times are tough.\u00a0The training was less theoretical and more activity based so the participants didn\u2019t loose interest throughout the course. It\u00a0 was quite a friendly environment and we had a enjoyable time. Refreshments and lunch was provided and the friendly environment made the learning atmosphere more fun.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cI would like to say that at first I was sceptical as to how the process would work but would now recommend this service to friends and family. The kind of people you meet through this service are polite, well-spoken and respectful in nature. Having a number of meets over a short period of time ensures you aren\u2019t wasting your time or waiting weeks on end without hearing anything from the other party. Baji is very frank and realistic in her approach.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Birmingham<\/h3>

\u201cI have been with Baji Naseem for a few months now and feel that Baji knows exactly what I am looking for. I have had several meets and a few of them have went really well. Baji has a good process in place which means you\u2019re not wasting your time in looking for a match. I would definitely recommend this service.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cI had my first meets today and I feel they went really well. Baji Naseem has understood me very well in a short space of time and she managed to set up meets that were all a good match for me. I am happy with using the Personal Match service, Baji Naseem has taken so much time to get to know what I am looking for. If you are looking for your other half, I would definitely tell you to join Personal Match, don\u2019t delay!\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client London<\/h3>

\u201cAlhamdulillah, following my first meeting arranged by Bhaji Naseem, I was extremely pleased with the match she found for me. She dedicated so much effort in such a short time for me and made my trip completely worthwhile. I have never in my time seen someone care so much about finding me a rishta\u2026 whatever the outcome, this is all in Allah\u2019s hands and I know I\u2019m finally on the right path with Bhaji Naseem.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client London<\/h3>

\u201cPersonal match came recommended to me by friends and family and I am pleased to say that I found it to be a very relaxed and professional service. Baji Naseem is very pleasant and got straight down to business. She asks you about exactly what it is that you are looking for in a life partner and also encourages you to think about matters a little \u201coutside of the box\u201d. I found the service to be quite intimate in that you would always have a one to one session with Baji Naseem before and after your meets. These sessions were very helpful as they encourage you to vocalise what you liked and perhaps didn\u2019t like about the person you had just met and in turn help you to think about what it is that you\u2019re looking for. Finding the perfect partner is not as easy as one may think(!) but personal match are there to help you every step of the way. Overall I had a pleasant experience and alhamdullillah met my life partner all thanks to Personal Match. I would definitely recommend it to anybody who is serious about settling down.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cAn excellent service. The service provider was sophisticated and the needs were met with high respect and understanding.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cExcellent supervisor. She takes into account personal needs and respects opinion. Trustworthy, reliable and confidential service which is comfortable, professional and sets the standard.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cI am truly impressed by the way that you have looked after my daughter, giving her options, guiding her through the process and helping her chose her life partner whilst always taking into account what we need as parents for her. In fact I am so impressed that I will also be putting my son forward to be matched through yourself.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Peterborough<\/h3>

\u201cThe service is very good and allows me to feel comfortable. Baji Naseem really looks after you and helps you through the whole entire process. A great service that I would recommend.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cWith Personal Match I was given an all-round supportive experience in how to best project myself and have the best possible chance of meeting the right spouse. Mentoring and the personal advice from Baji Naseem herself were indispensable. I would highly recommend personal match to anyone.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Inverness<\/h3>

\u201cThe service sister Naseem provides makes you feel relaxed, comfortable and understands your requirements. \u201cDuring brushing my teeth in the morning I was thinking to myself that everybody should get married through Personal Match\u201d.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience with Personal Match UK has been amazing. Baji Naseem is such an amazing person and is good at what she does. I am so grateful for everything Baji Naseem has done for me and how she has helped me to find a great life partner. May Allah SWA accept all her duas and carry on blessing her and the amazing work she does. She\u2019s been a great support to me from the beginning all the way till the end and for that I am truly grateful! Thanks for everything Baji!\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cThe service sister Naseem and her team provide is good in terms of professionalism and having a contemporary influence on traditional rishtas in a western society taking into consideration individuals requirements.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Derby<\/h3>

\u201cI absolutely agree, that Baji Naseem works really hard. She puts all her time in just for us, and never complains about anything.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cMatch UK is an amazing service. I feel so comfortable and at ease when I come for my meetings and Baji Naseem is wonderful and I feel so blessed to be working with her. She knows what kind of person I am looking for and so understanding. Love the work she is doing! Alhamdulillah!\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Edinburgh<\/h3>

\u201cI\u2019ve found the advice and guidance given to me by sister Naseem, has really helped put things in perspective for me and allows one to go into the meetings with a positive attitude.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Edinburgh<\/h3>

\u201cPersonal match is a well-worked marriage service which has excellent staff who are always on hand to provide advice and support in finding the partner.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cInitially very skeptical however pleasantly surprised with standard of potential candidates whom are in similar position, to myself. Definitely recommend this service if you are serious on marriage. Nice, relaxed environment.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cNice relaxed environment, stress free process.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Client Edinburgh<\/h3>

\u201cYou are providing a good service I am very happy with it.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Sidrah Scotland<\/h3>

\u201cReally effective and efficient service, very organised and looks promising. Baji Naseem makes you feel comfortable and provides a good match.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cSubhanallah my journey with Baji Naseem and personal match is overwhelming. This is a unique opportunity which I am grabbing with both hands. Baji I want to quote your service \u201cservice to others, is the rent you pay for your room here on earth\u201d.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cI know sister Naseem, I\u2019ve known her for quite some time indeed a talented and selfless individual. may Allah SWT give her the best reward.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>



\u201cI wouldn\u2019t say Naseem is a matchmaker, I would say she is a surrogate mother may Allah Tallah bless her.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Client<\/h3>

\u201cVery well organised, appointments are easy to work around. I do not feel uncomfortable or uneasy.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Client<\/h3>

\u201cPersonal match UK is an excellent service for meeting like-minded Muslims who are serious about marriage.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh Client<\/h3>

\u201cThis is a really friendly and professional service, who really take an interest in your wants and make the service very personal.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Female Glasgow Client<\/h3>

\u201cGood Service\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Female Glasgow Client<\/h3>

\u201cThe service is very good and professional. Naseem is doing a great job, very friendly.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Farhana Glasgow Client<\/h3>

\u201cA good and approachable environment is created for clients. When meeting new people it is always important to be comfortable and this service does exactly this.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh Female Client<\/h3>

\u201cGood service MashAllah\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female Client<\/h3>

\u201cPersonal Match has made it easy for me to find a suitable match, they are very understanding and listen to what you are looking for. The way they arrange meetings is brilliant. It is easy and laid back and I feel that it is easier to get to know a person this way. Personal Match is very well organised and up to date, they never waste your time and only arrange meetings with people who are compatible with you. Personal match gets to know each client individually and only then arranges meetings, they do not rush you into anything and explain everything as they go along.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Fatima Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cYes I would recommend Personal Match to anyone.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Male Client<\/h3>

\u201cVery well organised appointments and are easy to work around and you do not feel uncomfortable or uneasy.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Motherwell Female Client<\/h3>

\u201cFantastic service, very friendly people offering a great personalised service in the process\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female Client<\/h3>

\u201cGreat service, friendly approach from Naseem and Iman. Always there to help with anything.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Male Client<\/h3>

\u201cI think Personal Match is the ideal way for single Muslims to meet in the appropriate way, it is a professional business done in a professional manor, as well as the Islamic way.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Motherwell Male Client<\/h3>

\u201cProfessional service that is tailored to your needs to find a life partner.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh Male Client<\/h3>

\u201cA journey that is helping me to realise what is important in a partner and explore many different types of people.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow Female Client<\/h3>

\u201cI felt the service has helped me understand what I am looking for and is guiding me to find the right person.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Cumbernauld Female Client<\/h3>

\u201cI am very satisfied with Personal Match service\u2019s, I would recommend it to my friends and family. Baji Naseem is a trustworthy caring person who looks after you and gives you confidence.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

\u201cGreat service, friendly approach from Naseem and Iman. Always there to help with anything.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

\u201cFantastic service, very friendly people offering a great personalised service in this process.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh female client<\/h3>

\u201cThe service is very good and professional. Naseem is doing a great job, very friendly.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Motherwell Client<\/h3>

\u201cI think personal match UK is the ideal way for single Muslims to meet in the most appropriate way, it is a professional business done in a professional way and also the Islamic way.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Motherwell Client<\/h3>

\u201cThis is a service that is much needed and I am glad to have stumbled on it. The advantage is gaining access to people you necessarily would not have the chance to meet.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

\u201cA good and approachable environment is created for clients. When meeting new people it\u2019s always important to be comfortable and this service does exactly that.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

\u201cMashallah very helpful and makes you feel comfortable about the situation.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


England client<\/h3>

\u201cThe personal match service is a great service for the community. The service that I received from the staff was excellent.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


England client<\/h3>

\u201cVery warm and approachable company.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Usman from Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cSalaam, my name is Usman and I\u2019m 23 years of age. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Personal Match UK for helping me find my soul mate, in my opinion what makes Personal Match different is, the guidance from Baji Naseem, and her dedication to her profession. I strongly feel the way that I received was professional, from the way my profile was created, the way we spoke about potential partners to the meetings and feedback. I\u2019d highly recommend to all brothers and sisters looking to get married.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Motherwell Client<\/h3>

\u201cMy experience with Personal Match UK was great! Me and Baji Naseem sat down and made a profile first, she wanted to know exactly the kind of person I was looking for and tailored her search for me exactly, the meetings were set up in a very professional yet comfortable environment and every step of the way she asked me for feedback and if I was happy the way everything was going. For me personally I feel she helped me tremendously and definitely helped me find my future husband, I\u2019d highly recommend this service to anyone looking to get married.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Aisha Glasgow<\/h3>

\u201cThe service was outstanding in providing me with a suited partner after one and only meeting. The benefits of personal match are also highly appreciated by my mother, who was impressed by the high quality service received.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Jasmin Birmingham<\/h3>

\u201cService from Personal Match was fantastic; I was kept informed of my progress throughout my experience, in such areas like potential partners suited to me and also regular contact to ensure I was happy with the service. I would thoroughly recommend the service to anyone considering venturing into marriage, as it is professional, easily integrated to suit busy lifestyles and a respected service.\u201d<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Motherwell client<\/h3>

Very impressed with the organisation and with the commitment shown. It was well co-ordinated and with Islamic values in mind. Definitely worth joining.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

The service is mashallah very good. I have had meetings with people that met my criteria.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

Professional service that is tailored to your needs to find a life partner.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Fatima from Glasgow<\/h3>

Personal match UK has made it much easier for me to find people to meet. They are very understanding and listen to what you are looking for. The way they arrange meetings is brilliant. It is very easy and laid back and I feel that I get to know a person better this way. Personal match is very organised and up to date. They never waste your time and only arrange meetings with people they feel are suitable for you. Personal match get to know each client and then arrange meetings, they do not rush you into anything and explain everything as you go on.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

A journey that is helping me to realise what is important in a partner through exposure to many different types of people.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

The meeting was well organised and everybody was very friendly.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Livingston client<\/h3>

A professional, halal, no pressure way of meeting a like-minded potential Muslim partner.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh client<\/h3>

Baji is a great listener and is working hard to find the right match. She has made me broaden my horizons when looking for Mr Right.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh client<\/h3>

I felt the service has helped me understand what I am looking for and guided me in looking for the right person.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Glasgow client<\/h3>

I am really satisfied with person match\u2019s services. I would recommend it to my friends and family. Baji Naseem is a trustworthy, caring person who looks after you and gives you confidence.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Fawad from Glasgow<\/h3>

Personal Match is a fantastic service that is offered for anyone seriously considering marriage. By having that personalised service from Naseem was invaluable, as I feel she has a good eye for what a person is like. It is hassle free and completely confidential and I really feel that I have found the right person for me to spend the rest of my life with.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Edinburgh Female Client<\/h3>

The service is MashAllah very good. I have had meetings with people that have met my criteria and appreciated the feedback on how the meetings went and how to improve them.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


From a Sister in London<\/h3>

I have been extremely happy and satisfied with the service Naseem has provided for me.Her approach to matchmaking has been refreshingly different.<\/em><\/p>

I came away feeling very positive and with the feeling that i could trust her to help me meet someone suitable.<\/em><\/p>

I would highly recommend Personal Match, as Naseem provides a very professional approach to the service and takes the time to search for someone that fit\u2019s your own personal requirement\u2019s as close as possible, the rest is all in Allah\u2019s hands.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


From a Brother in the UK<\/h3>

My name is nassir and I would like to thank sister Naseem(my personal mathchmaker) who helped me to find my future wife. At first I tried few marriage websites but soon realised that most people were just passing time there. I\u2019m still amazed that my match maker managed to find my soulmate within days, and the service was personal and confidential. It is very true the Ayat in the Quran which states you shall get a spouse as you are, I thank Almighty Allah and personal matchmaker.<\/em><\/p>

May Allah keep you going and help other muslims as well to find their best desired partner. Ameen!<\/em><\/p>

JazakaAllah Khayr,<\/em><\/p>



From a Brother in Glasgow<\/h3>

May Allah guide me to speak the truth, ameen.<\/em><\/p>

I have known sister Naseem for many years. Mashallah I have always found her of a trustful character.<\/em>
Sister Naseem does so much work for charities and I some times wonder how many people through the world will be doing duas for her.<\/em><\/p>

I have always found her totaly professional and has always taken time to explain in great detail any questions I have ever had.<\/em><\/p>

She is well respected by all that know her including all my family who hold her in high regard mashallah.<\/em><\/p>

Mashallah My experiences with sister Naseem have always been positive.<\/em><\/p>

May Allah always guide her and bless her with Success, ameen.<\/em><\/p>

Naiem from Glasgow<\/em><\/p><\/div>


Dundee Client<\/h3>

Baji is respectful, trustworthy and delivers an excellent service.<\/em><\/p><\/div>


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